Klaus is a four-time world champion and, with over 60 world records, the most successful glider pilot in history. In addition to his successful practice as a dentist, he owns his own mountain flying school, Quo Vadis, in Southern France.
He is also an electric airplane pilot, where he recently secured 10 new world records. Klaus is the record holder in the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest glider flight (3,009 km), as well as for the fastest average speed during a 500 km out and return flight.
In 2014, he was the chief pilot of a scientific mission in the Himalayas. He flew his high-tech Stemme S 10 VT from Berlin to Kathmandu. Equipped with special German Aerospace DLR cameras, the plane was used to shoot spectacular highresolution 3D images of Mount Everest. After the mission was completed, Klaus undertook the first overflight of Mount Everest in gliding.